Thomas Reed

Thomas Reed

      Words: Mark Murray  Images: David Murray, Mark Murray.        Father and son. Decades apart. United by the love of the red and white and Pittodrie, home of Aberdeen FC.       Poignancy at the petrol staton.        This photo means more

Words: Mark Murray

Images: David Murray, Mark Murray.

Father and son. Decades apart. United by the love of the red and white and Pittodrie, home of Aberdeen FC.

Poignancy at the petrol staton.

This photo means more to me than any other photo I’ve taken.

Not only was it a special moment to take my son to Pittodrie but a special moment to have him stand in the exact spot I stood in all those years ago.

The block of flats remains unchanged and miraculously the Esso petrol station still stands albeit somewhat different prices…40.5p a litre of four-star petrol back then.

The photo is also tinged with sadness as my own father David, who took the photo of an excited me beside his pride and joy, rust coloured Vauxhall Astra, is no longer here.

He passed away at Christmas 2012, nine months after the birth of my son, so sadly he never got to see the photo.

Dad was a big Dons fan so it was always a cert the tradition would continue.

The original photo was taken as Aberdeen had just clinched the League Title and Scottish Cup season 83-84.

The last club to do so outwith the old firm and under a manager we all know as ‘Fergie’.

The day will live long in my memory and the photo a tribute to my father who worked endless hours but still found the time to take his son to Pittodrie..

Something I’ll always continue…