part of the mentality

Words: Imma Rhamely Borrelli
Images: Imma Rhamely Borrelli
2024 was the year of my debut as a narrative sports and ultras photographer on the football field.
I remember well the time when I picked up my first accreditation and made my entry on the field: I found myself between two fans, pleasantly lost in the documentation of the ultras world.
My journalistic eye is literally fascinated by all those details that represent in a unique and singular "the rebels of the stadiums". A world of stubborn belonging, made of rites, choirs and choreography, faith and aggregation, kilometers and rivalries, smoke bombs, joys and sorrows.
I have trod the fields of the series C to the minor categories, from the centre to the south of Italy; I have participated in centenaries and celebrations of promotion, documenting the ultras’ world not only in the stadia.
The welcome towards me was almost always cordial, and this is not a small aspect. I fell in love with this world and this type of photography, and I know that once inside it is difficult to stop.
At the end of the championship they told me "you are now part of the mentality", a real compliment, being new in this world, which increases the expectation of next season.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Nocerina. ASD Nocerina 1910.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Nocerina. ASD Nocerina 1910.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Rocchese. Polisportiva Rocchese 1964.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Altamura. Team Altamura.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Sora. Sora Calcio 1907.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Cavese. Cavese 1919.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Ercolanese. Ercolanese 1904.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras del Pompei. FC Pompei.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Sora. Sora Calcio 1907.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Altamura. Team Altamura.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Bojano. ASD Bojano.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras del Pompei with team captain A. Malafronte. FC Pompei.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Matera. FC Matera.
©Imma Rhamely Borrelli/ Terrace Edition. Ultras Civitanovese. Civitanovese Calcio.
You can find Imma on Instagram: @rhamely
Her website is