Thomas Reed

A room with a view

Thomas Reed
A room with a view

Images: Dan Scanlon

We’ve all been to matches where it’s hard to get a good view.

Not so at GSP Polet Dorcol in Belgrade, however, where vantage points are a plenty and you can watch from the rudimentary club balcony, the apartment block behind or even the wall of the Belgrade fortress.

Never underestimate a football fan’s ability to find a space.

There’s probably people in the trees if you look.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.


©Dan Scanlon/ Terrace Edition. GSP Polet Dorćol vs PKB.